Snorkel Class on the Four Winds: The 411 on Snorkeling Maui

It’s impossible to come to an island like Maui and not give snorkeling a try! There is a whole new & incredible world underneath the sea, teeming with colorful tropical fish and other peculiar sea creatures. You may be cautious to try snorkeling because you do not know how to swim or may not feel comfortable in the water, but we guarantee you will feel comfortable when our trusty crew help you overcome your fears! Even if you are an avid diver, snorkeling still is a fun and exciting activity.
If you decide to go on the Four Winds II for your snorkeling adventure, our crew members will be sure to present a “Snorkeling 101” class. The snorkeling experts on the Four Winds II will make sure you feel comfortable before getting into the water. The Four Winds II also provides life belts, boogie boards, life vests for children and our famous “See boards”.
If you would like to try Maui snorkeling before you take one of our tours aboard the Four Winds II, we suggest trying to snorkel on some of Maui’s best beaches. If you are looking to purchase snorkel gear while you are on Maui, we suggest Costco. Costco sells high-quality snorkel gear that’s actually very reasonable. If you plan on snorkeling a lot during your Maui vacation, we recommend purchasing your own gear because it is actually cheaper than renting it. For both off-the-boat and off-the-shore snorkeling, snorkel equipment is very important. In fact, it can make or break your experience if you have faulty gear.
The Four Winds II and the Maui Magic provide quality snorkel equipment at no additional charge for you to use. If you already have your own gear, you are welcome to bring it, should you feel more comfortable.
Here are some tips on how to use your snorkel gear:
*Hold your mask up to your face and suck in with your nose. If you feel the mask suction to your face without any air coming in, you’ve got it!
*Make sure the straps are easily adjustable and all of the clips are secure. The bite tabs on the snorkel should fit comfortably in your mouth.
*The snorkel fins should fit comfortably. Too tight can cause cramps in your feet and legs, and too loose, well, they might fall off! If they have an opening at the end of your toes, it is best when they just barely peak through, or they could cause blisters. Don’t wear your fins on the boat or at the beach. No only will you look silly, but they are difficult to maneuver in and you could fall. Put your snorkel fins on just before you are about to get into the water.
Now that you have your snorkel gear figured out, you’re ready to go, right?! Here are some pointers, just in case:
- Before you put your snorkel mask on, be sure you use de-fog the inside surface of the lenses.
- Place your snorkel mask over your eyes and nose making sure that the mask strap is high up on the back of your head. The straps should go above your ears to make the mask tight so that no water can enter.
- All of your hair should be cleared out of the sides and the top of your snorkel mask and if you have a mustache, you will need some Vaseline to wax it down.
- The snorkel should line up and fit comfortably in your mouth. Put you teeth on the bite tabs, lips over the mouth piece tab, and gently pucker your lips around the tube like a straw. The valve on the snorkel allows for water to go out and not in. If you do end up with water in your snorkel, just blow out hard and say “TWO”! Saying this word while you blow through the snorkel really works to clear out the water.
- Use snorkel fins by kicking in a scissor motion. The flutter kick with the ankles will make you tired and the bicycle kick will actually make you go backwards. Snorkeling should be an easy-going activity. By using your fins the right way, it will make your experience more enjoyable.
- Floatation is always a good idea!
Other Important Reminders!
*Always keep your bearings! Whether you’re on a boat or snorkeling off of the beach, mae sure to always glance up every once in a while to assess where you are. This will help to ensure that you don’t venture too far or lose sight of your starting point.
*Remember you have to swim back to where you started, so you want to reserve some energy for the return.
*Always snorkel with a partner and use the buddy system. It is never a good idea to brave the ocean alone.
*Keep your distance from marine life.
*Don’t forget to have fun!