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Maui Classic Charter’s Privacy Policy

This privacy policy states the manner in which Maui Classic Charters, Inc. (owner and operator of the Four Winds) collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from visitors/users to this site. This privacy policy applies to this website and all products and services offered by Maui Classic Charters, Inc.

Your Personal Information
The only instances that we collect and store your personal information are as follows; when you purchases tickets and when you supply us with information via email, via one of our site’s contact forms or by phone. The only information that may be asked for, which we consider appropriate, is your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, and credit card information.

However, you may choose to visit our site anonymously, without making a purchase or making contact with us, and this information will not be acquired. We only obtain and store your personal information if you voluntarily submit such information to/with us. You can always refuse to supply any personal information, except that it may prevent you from engaging in certain site-related actions – like purchasing tickets or using contact forms for example.

Non-Personal Information
We may collect your “non-personal information” as you interact with our website. This non-personal information can include the following; browser type and version, type of computing device, type of operating system, OS version, general location/region of your connection, IP address, time of access, Internet Service Provider, language of your operating system, length of time visiting the site, number of pages browsed, screen/monitor size, and other technical information about your connection to our website.

Web Browser Cookie Technology
Our website employs minimal use of “cookies”. These include cookies that we use for our shopping cart/checkout process, for ad-tracking purposes with Google’s search engine advertising programs that we participate with, or for the various social media links that are accessible through our site. These cookies are handed-off to your browser, and stored on your computer, for record-keeping purposes and sometimes to when you add tickets to your cart or make a purchase of tickets.

You may choose to set your web browser to refuse cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If you choose to do so it would only restrict you from making a purchase of tickets online. However, you are always welcome to call us to make your ticket purchases at 1-800-736-5740.

Is Your Personal Information or E-Mail Address Collected Automatically?
Never! We do not collect your personal information or e-mail address unless you voluntarily provide it for us. However, our website host and some search engines will collect passive information about products that are browsed on our website by using log files. This does not include any personal information about visitors to the site, only an analysis of which pages are viewed and how long visitors stopped on different pages of the website. The traffic information is analyzed to help us make changes to our site with a goal of making shopping on our site as quick and easy as possible.

How We Use Collected Information
Maui Classic Charters, Inc. collects and uses your personal information only for the following reasons and purposes:
• To process and fulfill your order, including sending you emails to confirm your order status.
• To communicate with you and to send you information by email, postal mail, telephone, text message, or other means about our products, services, contests, and promotions, unless you have directed us not to contact you with promotional communications.
• To administer and fulfill our contests and other promotions.
• To help us learn more about your shopping preferences.
• To help us address problems with and improve our site design, products and services.
• To enhance your shopping experience.
• To analyze trends and statistics.
• To protect the security or integrity of our websites and our business.
• To contact you if necessary.

Your Personal Information is Valued & Protected
We adopt appropriate data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information, transaction information and data obtained via our website or stored within our internal booking system.

Sensitive and private data exchange between the website and your browser employs the use of SSL technology (secure server language). This secured method of internet communication or data-transfer is encrypted and protected utilizing digital signatures. We employ industry-standard secure server software which creates a protected socket for your browser so that you can safely transfer/submit your personal and valued information. Additionally the data you submit is encrypted while it is being transferred. Our website also is in compliance with PCI vulnerability standards in order to create the most secure type of an environment as possible for you.

Sharing Your Personal Information
We NEVER sell, trade, or rent your personal identification information to others. We may share generic aggregated demographic information, not linked to any personal identity information, regarding visitors and users with our business partners, trusted affiliates and advertisers for the purposes outlined above.

Changes To This Privacy Policy
Maui Classic Charters, Inc. has the discretion to update this privacy policy at any time. When we do, we will revise the updated date at the bottom of this page. We encourage Users to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications.

Your Acceptance of These Terms
By using this website you signify your acceptance of this policy. If you do not agree to this policy, simply refrain from use of this website. Your continued use of our website, following the posting of changes to this policy, will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.

Links to Other Websites
What happens when you click an “outbound link” within our website?
If you clink on an “outbound hyperlink”, within, it can take you to a completely unrelated site. We try to monitor our outbound hyperlinks and are very selective in who we link to. However, you should realize that once you leave our site, we have no control over any other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide while you are visiting these other websites. Please read the website privacy information of each site you visit because these entities are not governed by this privacy statement.

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